Zone 6A Planting Schedule

Zone 6A Planting Schedule


Gardening is a wonderful hobby that allows you to connect with nature and create beautiful outdoor spaces. But to be successful, you need to have a good understanding of when to plant different crops. In this article, we will focus on planting schedules for Zone 6a, which covers parts of the United States and Canada that experience cold winters and mild summers.

My Personal Experience

As an avid gardener living in Zone 6a, I have learned that timing is everything. When I first started gardening, I made the mistake of planting some crops too early in the spring, only to have them killed by a late frost. I also struggled with getting some crops to mature before the first frost in the fall. But with experience and research, I have developed a reliable planting schedule that maximizes my chances of success.

List of Events and Competitions

There are several gardening events and competitions that take place in Zone 6a. These include:

  • The Annual Zone 6a Garden Show
  • The Best Vegetable Garden Contest
  • The Fall Flower Festival

Participating in these events can be a great way to connect with other gardeners and learn new techniques.

Zone 6a Planting Schedule Guide

Here is a general planting schedule for Zone 6a:

Crop Planting Time Harvest Time
Peas Early March Mid-May
Lettuce Early April Mid-June
Tomatoes Mid-May Mid-September
Pumpkins Mid-June Mid-October
Carrots Mid-July Late September

Question and Answer

Q: What is the best way to protect plants from frost?

A: Covering your plants with blankets or plastic sheeting can help to protect them from frost. You can also use frost cloths or row covers, which are specifically designed for this purpose.

Q: Can I plant crops earlier if I use a greenhouse?

A: Yes, using a greenhouse can allow you to extend your growing season and plant crops earlier. However, you still need to be mindful of the outside temperature and the specific needs of each crop.


Q: What is the difference between Zone 6a and Zone 6b?

A: The main difference between Zone 6a and Zone 6b is the average winter temperature. Zone 6a has an average minimum temperature of -10 to -5 degrees Fahrenheit, while Zone 6b has an average minimum temperature of -5 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: Can I plant different crops at the same time?

A: Yes, you can plant different crops at the same time, as long as they have similar growing requirements. For example, you can plant lettuce and spinach together, as they both prefer cooler temperatures.


By following a planting schedule that is tailored to the specific needs of Zone 6a, you can increase your chances of having a successful garden. Remember to take into account the average temperature and frost dates, as well as the specific requirements of each crop. With a little bit of planning and effort, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest and a beautiful outdoor space.

Zone 6A Gardening Vegetable planting calendar, Planting calendar
Zone 6A Gardening Vegetable planting calendar, Planting calendar from

Zone 6A Planting Schedule Introduction Gardening is a wonderful hobby that allows you to connect with nature and create beautiful outdoor spaces. But to be successful, you need to have a good understanding of when to plant different crops. In this article, we will focus on planting schedules for Zone 6a, which covers parts of…