Gghs Bell Schedule

Gghs Bell Schedule


As a former student of Garden Grove High School, I know how important it is to understand the bell schedule. It can be confusing and overwhelming, especially for incoming freshmen. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the Gghs Bell Schedule and provide a detailed guide for students.

Events and Competitions

Garden Grove High School offers a variety of events and competitions throughout the year. Some of the most popular events include Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom. In addition, the school hosts sports games, club meetings, and academic competitions. Each event has a specific schedule that is communicated to students in advance.


Homecoming is a week-long celebration that includes a pep rally, parade, and football game. The schedule for Homecoming week is announced in advance and is different from the regular bell schedule.

Winter Formal and Prom

The Winter Formal and Prom are two of the most popular events at Garden Grove High School. These events are typically held on a Saturday night and have a different schedule than the regular school day. Students are encouraged to arrive early to take pictures and enjoy the festivities.

Detailed Schedule Guide

The Gghs Bell Schedule is divided into six periods, each lasting approximately 60 minutes. The school day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:45 pm. There is a 35-minute lunch period that is assigned based on the student’s fourth-period class. Here is a breakdown of the bell schedule: – Period 1: 7:45 am – 8:45 am – Period 2: 8:50 am – 9:50 am – Period 3: 9:55 am – 10:55 am – Period 4: 11:00 am – 12:35 pm (includes lunch) – Period 5: 12:40 pm – 1:40 pm – Period 6: 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm

Schedule Table

Here is a schedule table to help you visualize the Gghs Bell Schedule: | Period | Time | |——–|——| | 1 | 7:45 | | 2 | 8:50 | | 3 | 9:55 | | 4 | 11:00 | | Lunch | 12:35 | | 5 | 12:40 | | 6 | 1:45 |

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions and answers about the Gghs Bell Schedule:

Q: What happens during the passing period?

A: The passing period is 5 minutes long and allows students to move between classes. Students are expected to go directly to their next class and be on time.

Q: What if I have to use the restroom during class?

A: Students are encouraged to use the restroom during passing periods or lunch. If it is an emergency, students can ask for permission from their teacher to use the restroom during class.

Q: What happens if I am absent?

A: If a student is absent, they are responsible for making up any missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with their teacher and make arrangements to make up the work.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Gghs Bell Schedule:

Q: How can I find out about schedule changes?

A: Schedule changes are typically communicated through the school’s website, social media accounts, and announcements in class.

Q: Can I switch my lunch period?

A: No, lunch periods are assigned based on the student’s fourth-period class. Students cannot switch their lunch period unless they switch their fourth-period class.

Q: What happens if I am late to class?

A: Students who are late to class are marked tardy and may receive a consequence from their teacher. It is important to be on time to class to avoid missing important information. In conclusion, understanding the Gghs Bell Schedule is crucial for students to be successful in their academic and extracurricular activities. By following the schedule and staying organized, students can maximize their time at Garden Grove High School.

Groesbeck High School Bell Schedule
Groesbeck High School Bell Schedule from

Gghs Bell Schedule Introduction As a former student of Garden Grove High School, I know how important it is to understand the bell schedule. It can be confusing and overwhelming, especially for incoming freshmen. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the Gghs Bell Schedule and provide a detailed guide for students.…