Fixed Interval Schedule Of Reinforcement

Fixed Interval Schedule Of Reinforcement


As a psychology enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the concept of reinforcement. Reinforcement refers to any consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. In this article, I will be discussing one of the most popular types of reinforcement, the fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.

What is a Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement?

A fixed interval schedule of reinforcement is a type of reinforcement schedule in which a reward is given after a specific amount of time has passed. In simpler terms, it means that a person or animal is rewarded for performing a particular behavior after a specific time interval.

Examples of Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement

One example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement is a paycheck. Employees are paid after a specific time interval, usually every two weeks. Another example is a monthly subscription service. The subscriber is charged after a specific time interval, usually every month.

How Does Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement Work?

Fixed interval schedules of reinforcement are designed to encourage consistent behavior. When a person or animal knows that they will receive a reward after a specific amount of time has passed, they are more likely to continue performing the behavior that led to the reward.

Detail Schedule Guide for Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement

Here is a detailed schedule guide for a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement: 1. Determine the behavior that you want to reinforce. 2. Decide on the time interval for the reinforcement. 3. Reward the behavior after the specified time interval has passed. 4. Repeat the process consistently.

Schedule Table for Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement

Here is an example of a schedule table for a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement: | Time Interval | Behavior | Reward | | — | — | — | | Every 30 minutes | Completing work tasks | Snack | | Every hour | Exercising | 10 minutes of break time | | Every day | Practicing a skill | Positive feedback |

Question and Answer Section

Q: Can a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement be used for punishment?

No, a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement is designed to increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. It is not designed for punishment.

Q: How can a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement be used in education?

A fixed interval schedule of reinforcement can be used in education by rewarding students for completing their homework or studying for a specific amount of time every day.


Q: What is the difference between a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement and a variable interval schedule of reinforcement?

A fixed interval schedule of reinforcement rewards behavior after a specific amount of time has passed. A variable interval schedule of reinforcement rewards behavior after a random amount of time has passed.

Q: Can a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement be used for training animals?

Yes, a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement is commonly used for training animals. For example, a dog may be rewarded with a treat every 15 minutes for performing a specific behavior.

Image result for schedules of reinforcement Aba therapy activities
Image result for schedules of reinforcement Aba therapy activities from

Fixed Interval Schedule Of Reinforcement Introduction As a psychology enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the concept of reinforcement. Reinforcement refers to any consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. In this article, I will be discussing one of the most popular types of reinforcement, the fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.…