8 Month Old Nap Schedule

8 Month Old Nap Schedule


As parents, we all know the importance of sleep for our little ones. A well-rested baby is a happy baby. But sometimes, getting your baby to sleep can be a real challenge, especially when they reach 8 months old. This is a crucial time for your baby’s development, and they need adequate sleep to grow and thrive.

Personal Experience

When my baby turned 8 months old, I found myself struggling with his nap schedule. He was waking up frequently at night and refusing to nap during the day. This was impacting his mood and behavior, and I knew I needed to make some changes. After consulting with my pediatrician and doing some research, I came up with a nap schedule that worked for my baby. I am sharing my experience and tips to help other parents facing similar challenges.

Events and Competition

There are no specific events or competitions related to 8-month-old nap schedules. However, many parents share their experiences and tips on online forums and social media groups, helping each other out.

Detail Schedule Guide

Here is a detailed nap schedule guide for 8-month-old babies:

  • Wake up time: 6-8 AM
  • First nap: 9-10:30 AM
  • Second nap: 1-2:30 PM
  • Third nap: 4-4:30 PM (optional)
  • Bedtime: 7-8 PM

It is important to note that every baby is different, and this schedule may not work for everyone. You need to observe your baby’s sleep patterns and adjust the schedule accordingly.

Schedule Table

Here is a schedule table that you can use as a reference:

Time Activity
6-8 AM Wake up time
9-10:30 AM First nap
1-2:30 PM Second nap
4-4:30 PM (optional) Third nap
7-8 PM Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if my baby wakes up earlier than the scheduled wake-up time?
A: You can adjust the nap schedule accordingly. If your baby wakes up earlier, you can start the first nap earlier. Q: What if my baby refuses to nap?
A: It is common for babies to resist naps, especially during this age. You can try different techniques like white noise, swaddling, or rocking to help your baby fall asleep. Q: How long should each nap be?
A: Each nap should be at least 1 hour long, but it can vary depending on your baby’s sleep needs.


Q: Can I let my baby sleep longer than the scheduled nap time?
A: It is not recommended to let your baby sleep longer than necessary. It can disrupt their sleep cycle, and they may have trouble sleeping at night. Q: What if my baby wakes up during the nap and doesn’t go back to sleep?
A: It is okay if your baby wakes up in the middle of the nap. You can try to soothe them back to sleep, but if they don’t, you can end the nap and try again later. Q: Should I wake up my baby from their nap?
A: It is not recommended to wake up your baby from their nap unless it is necessary. Let them sleep as long as they need to.

8 Month Old Sleep Schedule The Complete Guide
8 Month Old Sleep Schedule The Complete Guide from www.teethingtotantrums.com

8 Month Old Nap Schedule Introduction As parents, we all know the importance of sleep for our little ones. A well-rested baby is a happy baby. But sometimes, getting your baby to sleep can be a real challenge, especially when they reach 8 months old. This is a crucial time for your baby’s development, and…